Keeping In Touch. Updates.

We understand that career and personal situations for our candidates are continuously changing. In order to manage your portfolio effectively it is imperative that we keep up-to-date with these critical changes. Our quest is to ensure that we ultimately present you with opportunities that are in line with your changing needs, growing skill levels and career vision. Recruitment is also a time sensitive business.

We therefore highly recommend that you remain in contact with our team, keeping us informed of positive changes that you feel will enhance your marketability or alternatively changes that would affect how we market you, and when, to employers of choice.

Please see the following examples of changes that are imperative for us to be aware of:

  • New skills acquired
  • New roles and additional responsibilities
  • Training undergone/qualifications achieved
  • Change of contact details
  • Promotions or increase in remuneration
  • Personal circumstances that may affect the timing of your placement
  • Change in career focus

Should you feel that there is any relevant detail that we need to know, as your representative, do not hesitate to contact Claire Bourquin Recruitment Consultants. We are committed to providing you with a service that is professional and we need your assistance to do so.

Accurate Information.

Keeping an accurate record of your job search is vital to ensure that your Curriculum Vitae is presented to top employers of choice in the most professional manner, We want you to succeed and therefore kindly request that you keep an accurate log of the following information:

  • Potential employers who have already received your CV, either sent directly by yourself or forwarded by a third party.
  • Relevant individuals you have spoken with regarding your job search without sending a CV.
  • The companies where you have recently been interviewed – please include the name of the company, the role you were interviewed for and the relevant contact people if applicable; as also if an introductory interview please let us know too.

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